Post Em Destaque

Ano Novo: Escrevendo Nossas Páginas de Fé e Esperança

À medida que nos despedimos do ano que se encerra, é tempo de refletir sobre nossas jornadas, nossas alegrias e desafios. Olhamos para trás com gratidão por tudo o que conquistamos e com sabedoria para aprender com nossos erros. À nossa frente, um novo ano se abre como um livro em branco, esperando por nós para escrevermos suas páginas com histórias de amor, esperança e superação.   Que possamos abraçar o futuro com coragem, determinação e fé, lembrando que em tempos de incerteza, nossa fé nos sustentará. Assim como está escrito em Jeremias 29:11: 'Porque eu sei que pensamentos que tenho a vosso respeito, diz o Senhor; pensamentos de paz, e não de mal, para vos dar o fim que esperais.'   Que em 2024 possamos seguir os planos de Deus, confiando em Sua orientação, e que cada passo que dermos seja um passo em direção à Sua vontade. Que a paz de Deus nos guie, a alegria de Seu amor nos preencha e Sua graça nos sustente ao longo do novo ano. Feliz Ano Novo!".     O amor é

Bonds of Love

 The lack of empathy between people seems an evil that is growing. Is that what Jesus meant when he asked "Will I find faith on earth when I return?" (Luke 18:8). Either way, love is fading even among those people who claims to be a separated people. And that love is what often creates faith in people. But thank God it is not general. Because there is still a people we can really find something true and sincere. Where lies and slander do not proliferate. It is a rare people! They are out there, are not blood relatives, but often understand us better than those. Can you see beyond what meets the eye. And even hear the words left unsaid. The Bible teaches: "Some friendships do not last anything but a true friend is closer than a brother" (Proverbs 18:24). Sometimes our enemies are right next to us, inside our homes. Having veins the same blood flows in our. Psychologist Maria Tereza Maldonato has an interesting phrase where it says: "Bonds of love can be created without the ties of blood. Plus, blood ties do not guarantee the existence of the bonds of love. " We must revise our concepts, our values ​​and our beliefs. What really matters in the world that I have devised for me? But is this the question to be asked? Or is there another? Or should we ask what really matters in my life and that serves to satisfy the purposes of God? It may well be that I get to focus not on my ideals, but ideals of God for me. It can happen that suddenly I find that my world is not mine, that my life is not mine and that everything I do while alive, despite help me live, I'm doing to accomplish the purposes that God envisioned for me, and that He expects me to honor them, because "I am crucified with Christ and live, yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me , and gave himself for me. " (Galatians 2:20). That should be enough for me to build my life in various bonds of love.
